Sunday, March 1, 2015

Navigation button

Week 6

Research on Navigation Button.
"How" they display the navigation button?
  • The navigation buttons should appear along the left-side of pages. Other than that, display of the navigation button is placing it horizontally along the top of the pages.

"Why" they need the navigation button? 

  • The navigation button is to help the users find their way around or navigate through a site to find what they want.
"When" they need navigation button?
  •  The navigation button is needed when users use it for directly linking to a page or website rather than typing it in the address bar.

2.  Can navigation button to be complicated or simple design?

The design of navigation buttons should be simple because simplicity is a good thing. Navigation is one of the most important aspects of a web design but it doesn't mean it needs to be complicated or overly designed. Simplicity helps to better website readability and  make navigation faster and easier. It can be confusing for users when the navigation button are too complicated. Furthermore, it is also more user friendly and convenient.

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